Businesses who are using the power of social media to market their products and services have more than what they ask for. Social media are incorporating hashtags to its platforms to better connect with people on a specific interest. Twitter started the use of hashtags, followed by Instagram and Facebook eventually incorporated the trend into its platform.
What’s a hastag? – A hashtag is a pound sign (#), and is used on Twitter and other social media platform to categorize messages.
According to Twitter, hashtag is defined as the # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages.
How to use hashtags on your social media accounts:
- On your Twitter and Facebook accounts, write the number sign (#) along with a topic or phrase like: #virtualassistant, #happy, #feeling grateful
- On your Instagram account, write the number sign (#) along with the phrase or topic with the picture you are posted: I had a great time today! #feeling great, #happy, #excited.
On your social media accounts, when you see feed of posts with hashtags and clicked on a certain tag, you will be directed to topics related to that word. This made interaction a lot easier and is really beneficial to businesses, companies and entrepreneurs. . Hashtags turn topics and phrases into clickable links in your posts on your social media accounts. By using interesting hashtags, people can find posts about topics of their interest.
You can write as much hashtags as you want but be careful in choosing the right hashtags of your industry.
Choosing the right tags
- Choose a tag that is easy to remember. Don’t complicate the tag or tags you want. Make it simple and easy to remember. With all the hasthtags proliferating in the social media, the ultimate thing a business wants to do is create a hashtag that is complicated, hard to spell or pronounce.
- Create a unique hashtag. By creating a unique one, you are also creating your brand and tag other people of the same interest.
- Search for the trending and most used hashtags before using it. Read and follow discussions taking place outside your circle of followers. From there, you will be able to find new potential customers and followers.
- Use these hash tags on multiple social media channels. Use the same hashtags you have in one account to your other social media accounts, specially the unique one that you have created for your brand. Be consistent with your hashtags.
One of the other boundless things about hash tags is that you can get a glimpse on what people are speaking about a certain topic of interest, especially those that are relevant to your business, without the need to follow everyone.
In general, this is important for businesses as it allows you and your Social Media VA to monitor your brand, points of interest and be aware of what’s happening in the market and social media.
Tags: Business Marketing Strategy, Facebook Marketing, social media marketing, Twitter Marketing Strategy