Tax season is the time when an Accountant can have extra income and augment his earnings as a tax preparer. Even if you have a degree in Accountancy, you have to further your studies to be a tax preparer more so if you are not into Accounting.
Take advantage of company offers for free tax courses as this is already an edge for you but if not, you can either go to community colleges, vocation schools or enroll in an online tax preparer course if your schedule is quite tight.
What is really a tax preparer?
A tax preparer is an individual who assists a small business owner, an individual taxpayer, company, or organization in preparing and entering a correct and truthful income tax return to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Similarly, a Virtual Assistant For Tax Help is an online worker who does not need to make appointments with you in-person. This is particularly convenient if you are someone who just can’t insert more physical meetings into your schedule.
Tax preparers ensure the individual for which the tax forms are being prepared pays the lowest taxes recognized by law and that any claims, deductions and exemptions abide by the current tax laws.
Qualifications of a certified tax preparer:
1) Knowledgeable in tax laws
2) A degree in Accountancy
3) Certified Public Accountant. Some companies prefer their tax preparer to be a CPA.
4) Certificate in tax preparation
What a tax preparer does?
1) Scrutinize receipts, statements, paychecks, and other documentation to fill out financial forms
2) Apply deductions and credits according to policies and procedures
3) Ensure that forms are complete and accurately filled out
4) Submit tax returns
Tax preparer average salary:
Hourly rate = $8.21 – $22.76
Overtime = $12.01 – 33.08
Years of Experience:
Less than 1 year = $20,850 – $45,250
1 – 4 years = $19,308 – $58,330
5 – 9 years = $ 23,439 – $60,608
10-19 years = $21,084 – $73,974
20 years or more = $30,560 – $100,256
(Source: Payscale)
Smart business owners and taxpayers use the best virtual assistant for financial services.These VAs are professionals that have accounting and bookkeeping background to help entrepreneurs with tax filing needs.
Tax preparers must be familiar with the latest accounting software & tools. Click To TweetSince tax preparers will be discussing a lot of things with their client, they should have an excellent communication skill and be able to work with clients in an affable but professional manner.
They should also keep themselves abreast with the latest trend and technology in terms of tax preparation as tech companies offer new tools every now and then to be able to compete in the market. Not only they should keep an eye on new tools but on US tax laws and forms as well as these changes annually.
Tags: hire virtual assistant, Virtual Assistant Tax Preparation