Virtual Assistant Talent, LLC was privileged to have President and CEO, John Davern, Jr., MBA, join top talent thought leaders in the Executive Next Practice (ENP) forum, titled Global Strategy – Markets, Talent & Implementation Challenges 2014, which was held last January 29, 2014 at the Academy of Television, Arts & Sciences in North Hollywood, CA.
John discussed the Emerging Trends in Virtual Markets and Workforce Management as a guest speaker at the ENP forum, where he gave participants an overview of the evolution of outsourcing, recent facts and figures of the industry and the global outsourcing market forecast.
“The recent advancements in technology have allowed outsourcing – particularly online outsourcing – to be available to anyone.” John shared, “This has made outsourcing available to, not only big businesses, but to start-ups and small to medium enterprises – the ones that could really benefit from outsourcing.”
Maximizing his years of experience in recruiting and managing a virtual workforce, John also shared the recent advancements in virtual workforce management. “The common obstacles in workforce management can be narrowed down to these 3 areas: Communication, Connectivity and Collaboration.” John stated, “But these can be easily resolved through the use of the right tools and resources.”
The panel explored various topics that include a highly connective, interactive and collaborative session – key topics:
- 2014 Global Market & Talent Forecast – who is hiring and new customer growth sectors.
- Doing business internationally – what you need to know about partnering.
- Thought leader panel share global business implementation strategies.
- Emerging trends in virtual markets and workforce management.
The partner organization – global business contributing panelists include Eric Fullilove, Chief Financial Officer, World Vision International, Tommy Joe, President of DEX, Meghan Glidden, Senior Director, Belkin International, Andrea Tyndale, Talent Executive, Disney, Peggy Smith, CEO & President, Worldwide ERC and Lew Jaffe, CEO
The event featured thought leaders representatives from over 35 global companies including Disney, Taco Bell, Dex, World Vision, B of A, Turkish Airlines, Experia, GALLUP, Mattel and many others.
Tags: administrative assistant jobs, ENP Forum, social media marketing, virtual assistant services, Virtual Assistant Talent Company, Virtual Assistant Tips