What Infographics Can Do For Your Business

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More and more businesses are using the influence of information graphics or what is commonly known as infographics to educate people, clients and sell their products and services. If you notice, infographics is almost everywhere like in schools, offices, public environment – – traffic signs, weather charts to name a few, among a huge number of probabilities.

Infographics For Business

An infographics is a diagram of information in a graphic format that includes histogram, pie charts, mind maps, gantt chart, line charts, bar graphs, etc. Businesses use infographics to convey a message promptly, to streamline the presentation of sizeable amounts of data, of which the main purpose of doing such is to disseminate information to the public.

It is said that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual and that more people respond to better visual information than text. That means more infographics are read than text articles since it is easy to understand and a fun way to appreciate a message because it is expressed visually.

Every enterprise can benefit from infographics because it does not only help increase your search engine optimization but can also help grow and increase traffic to your website. And social media is one of the many ways in promoting your brand and your business.

How to design a visually engaging infographics

  1. Research and read everything about the topic you want to create and convey.
  2. Gather as much data about the topic and information you want to relay to your audience. Extensive representation of an article is usually found not in one date but through multiple materials.
  3. Sort the data and find the storyline. A great story can be found from a unique and compelling infographics.
  4. Identify problems in the infographics. In many instances, the statistics and facts don’t support the story a business wants to communicate to their clients. Data don’t lie, and respectable and worthy clients do not want to be obviously misinformed.
  5. Avoid vague titles as this might confuse your reader. Find one that is catchy but still relates to the story you want to share.
  6. Engage in originality. Though it is easy to find readily available images for your storyboard from online stock photos but what catches more attention are those created with originality.
  7. Find the perfect font. Font is as important as the images in your infographics as it gives the feel and the final touch of your creation.
  8. Test the final infographic to people that weren’t involved in the design process so as not to get a bias opinion.  You need to go back and identify the problem if they can’t comprehend the data presented.
  9. Present and create a readable infographic that directs people through the data.
  10. Finally, share the infographics through social media and start directing people to your website.

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